SCVCS Weekly Recap for April 7, 2023
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General state testing information was sent by email today to all students who will need to participate in end of year testing. This testing only involves students in grades 3 – 8 (all students) and those taking high school level English 2, Algebra 1, Intermediate Algebra, Biology, and US History. Schedules for testing will be sent via the student and parent school based email next week. We will have a state testing information session on Tuesday, April 18th at 7:00pm. Check your email for the link.
Re-Registration for currently enrolled students is now open. Check your email for instructions on how to re-register. Enrollment for new students for the 2023-2024 school year is now open. Visit for more information.
Upcoming Events
Spring Break is April 10th – 14th! The SCVCS Offices will be closed.
Senior April Newsletter
Elementary April Newsletter
Middle School Weekly Newsletter
High School Newsletter