
Are you confident about your child’s education?

The world is changing and so is the educational system. The quality of traditional classroom teaching in your school district may not be the same as it is somewhere else in South Carolina. Your child deserves consistent, quality public education. South Carolina Virtual Charter School empowers children to learn anywhere in a safe and structured online environment giving you confidence in your child’s future.

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Why Go Virtual?

Top Four Reasons Why Virtual School May Fit Your Child’s Academic Needs:

  1. The student is academically advanced and the traditional classroom pace moves too slowly
  2. The student needs extra support where the traditional pace moves too quickly
  3. The student is an elite athlete or youth performer with a busy travel schedule
  4. The student is homebound, undergoing medical treatment, or dealing with social issues
  5. The student is seeking quality online education offered in real time by SC certified, and experienced teachers
  6. The student is would like to take college courses while in high school or earn their Associate's Degree

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Live DAILY Instruction

Tuition-free, public education with boundless opportunities

  • Live daily Instruction in Real-Time from SC Certified, Experienced Teachers
  • Sports & Clubs
  • Honor Societies
  • Access to Advanced Placement Courses through VirtualSC
  • In-Person School Events
  • We’re Tuition-Free and Open to ALL Students in South Carolina
  • Dual Credit Options
  • Top-Performing Virtual School in South Carolina (based on state assessments)

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SCVCS Student Overview

Previously Attended Public School
Were Previously Homeschooled
Previously Attended Private or Other Charter School
Are Students with Special Needs
Of High School Graduates Attend Post-Secondary Training

Did You Know?

The Staff at SCVCS are:

  • Fully SC certified with an average of 14 years of teaching experience
  • 17 are Nationally Board Certified
  • Regularly participate in robust intensive training to enhance technology skills
  • Our administrators are veteran SC administrators with both public AND private school experience

Accredited By

cognia logo ncaa logo
high school guidance

What Makes SCVCS Different

Why is SCVCS different from other virtual schools?

  • SCVCS is the highest performing virtual school in South Carolina.
  • SCVCS is headquartered in South Carolina. We are not owned or operated by a national corporation.
  • Our SCVCS students, highfliers, and struggling students experience academic success at SCVCS.
  • SCVCS uses an approved SC curriculum not a national curriculum.
  • SCVCS offers tutoring and learning assistance to all students.
  • SCVCS offers Career Pathways for high school students
  • Honors classes offered at the Middle and High School level
  • High School students may take dual enrollment classes or even work to earn an Associate's Degree while at SCVCS!
  • Daily online live classes are offered in real time by highly qualified, fully certified teachers who live and teach in South Carolina.

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