Students who are currently enrolled at SCVCS can re-register for the next school year during the re-registration period. Visit our Re-Registration site below for more information. This does not apply to students who previously attended SCVCS but are not currently enrolled. Those students would need to complete a new enrollment application.
SCVCS enrolls students twice per year during open enrollment periods. Visit our Enrollment page for dates and more information.
Policy for Previously Withdrawn Students
Students who were previously withdrawn from SCVCS by parent choice may re-apply for enrollment considering that they were in good standing when they left SCVCS.
Students withdrawn by SCVCS may request to be re-enrolled through the appropriate SCVCS administrator. SCVCS is under no obligation to re-enroll a student who has previously been withdrawn.
Should SCVCS desire to withdraw a student from the school due to non-attendance or any other severe violation of the school’s rules and regulations, the student’s parent/legal guardian will be given written notification of the school’s intent to remove the student.
Once the school has officially convened for the school year, students enrolled in a virtual public charter school may be ineligible to transfer to another virtual charter school.
Enrollment is a process and takes some time to complete. First, ensure that you have a fully completed application on file for your student and that you have submitted all required documents. An application is not reviewed until it is complete. Once your application is complete, please allow one week for it to be reviewed by Administration.
Submission of an application is not a guarantee of enrollment. Students should not be withdrawn from their current school until they receive notice of acceptance into SCVCS and just before the start date.
SCVCS may deny enrollment and attendance to any student who has been expelled from another public school district (LEA) within the state of South Carolina or any other state. A student must be in good standing with his/her current school in order to be considered for enrollment with SCVCS.
Applications are not reviewed by administration until all required documents have been submitted. Once a student has a complete application, please allow up to one week for your application to be reviewed. Parents/Guardians will be notified via email of acceptance or denial.
SCVCS is a public charter school. There are no costs for students to attend.
SCVCS serves students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Students must be 5 years old by September 1st in order to enroll in Kindergarten.
Documents that do not meet our requirements will be rejected and need to be resubmitted. Some common reasons for rejected documents include:
- Submitting a short form birth certificate instead of a long form birth certificate
- Proofs of Residency that are not in the name of the legal guardian or are more than 60 days old
- Immunization forms that are not on the South Carolina form
SCVCS is consistently one of the highest-performing virtual schools in South Carolina based on state testing data. We provide daily live classes with certified teachers who all reside in South Carolina.
SCVCS expects and requires that students will attend their courses live each day. In addition, students are expected to complete assignments in a timely manner following the grade level assignments completion policy. Our schedule and assignment policies do allow for some flexibility in the student’s day.
SCVCS provides live instruction in real-time with a highly-qualified, state-certified teacher that resides in South Carolina. We offer daily live classes for all students.
View our School Supply List. It will be updated for the next school year in May.
The amount of time that a student is online for school will vary based on the student’s grade level. Please visit our Typical Day for Students page to learn more.
Students may be eligible to receive a loaner Chromebook device. Parents/guardians must first apply and pay a non-refundable processing fee.
If you have misplaced your login information, please call 803-253-6222. Choose option 5, then option 1.
Please contact our office at 803-253-6222. Choose option 5, then option 1.
Please contact Cantey Technologies. Their number is (843) 804-8555.
SCVCS is one of two virtual school in South Carolina granted NCAA status, whereby high school students athletes’ coursework is accepted by higher education institutions allowing student eligibility to participate in college sports.
SCVCS expects and requires that students will attend their courses live each day. In addition, students are expected to complete assignments in a timely manner following the grade level assignment completion policy. Our schedule and assignments policies do allow for some flexibility in the student’s day.
Daily grades can be found in Schoology.
Final report card grades can be found in PowerSchool.
You can learn more about accessing Grades and Parent Portal below.
Families who enroll their children in SCVCS must agree to comply with SCVCS policies in order to experience success in the South Carolina Virtual Charter School.
The vast majority of families who enroll in public charter schools consistently and conscientiously comply with these expectations. However, as the school year progresses, some families may demonstrate the inability or unwillingness to fulfill one or more of the school’s requirements.
In these cases, Academic Probation will be initiated so SCVCS has a mechanism by which the responsible learning coach can be officially notified of behaviors that compromise the student’s successful school experience. If, after being placed on academic probation, no improvement is noted, then the withdrawal process may be initiated.
Please contact your child’s Counselor/Advisor to request changes to your student’s schedule.
To update your email address or phone number, please contact your Counselor/Advisor.
An address change requires an updated proof of residency. You can also send that to your Counselor/Advisor.
Student records, including report cards, transcripts, and attendance reports can be requested from our Registrar’s Office. Please complete the Request for Records form and email it to or fax it to (803) 253-6279.
You can request Proof of Enrollment from our Registrar’s office. Please complete the Request for Records form and email it to or fax it to (803) 253-6279.
Please email a copy of the form to your Counselor/Advisor to complete. Please allow 48 hours for the completion of this form.
Please complete a Withdrawal form and return it to our Registrar’s Office at You must provide the name of the school where your student will be attending.
Yes, SCVCS offers clubs and honor societies at the middle and high school level. See our list of Clubs and Honor Societies below.
Yes! SCVCS has multiple in-person events throughout the school year in a vareity of areas. These include visits to zoos, aquariums, ice skating rinks, pumpkin patches, college tours, and more. Enrolled students will be notified of these trips via email. A Learning Coach must attend each event with their student(s).
We encourage students to attend as many of our in-person events as possible to allow for interactions with classmates and teachers. In-person social events are not required. State testing that is done in person is required.
Any specific questions regarding a class, a lesson, an assignment, a test, or a grade should be sent directly to the student’s teacher for that class.
Contact your student’s Counselor or Advisor.
Contact our Registrar’s office at
Call (803) 253-6222 and select Option 3. You can also visit our Enrollment Page.
A student’s School Counselor or Advisor is their first point of contact for most school related issues.
Our current curriculum is rigorous and challenging due to the hours of work that our teachers spend modifying and supplementing the curriculum. Teachers first have to align the curriculum to the standards and then have to add in the rigor. By utilizing selected curriculum, we will be more aligned to state standards, meaning teachers will be able to focus solely on rigor and less on making sure the standards are being taught. This also will streamline the learning day for our students because there will be less assignments given outside of the platform.
SCVCS is a public charter school and will continue to be a public charter school. We do not charge any sort of tuition for students.
After a long process of exploring the different LMS (learning management systems), SCVCS has chosen Schoology for our online platform. We selected Schoology for a variety of reasons. For one, it is a very easy to use and navigate platform. Students quickly and easily learn how to access their lessons and assignments. Schoology also partners with many of the outside applications that we use, meaning that students will not be going from one site to the other each day. Finally, Schoology is a product of PowerSchool, meaning that things will be more streamlined for both our staff and students when it comes to assigning courses, checking grades, and more.
On occasion, books or materials may be shipped to students. The learning management system we use contains content needed along with live daily instruction.
While slight tweaks to the schedule may occur, there are no major changes planned for the bell schedule. Bell schedules also are shown in the Student Handbook.
SCVCS is one of only two virtual schools in South Carolina that have NCAA status.
The class of 2023 had 277 graduates and earned $3.5 million in scholarships. We had 5 Palmetto Scholarship Nominees, 68 Life Scholarship Nominees, and 94 Hope Scholarship Nominees. Of that graduating class, 76% had plans to attend college. Our dual enrollment program allows students to earn college credit while in high school. A 2023 graduate completed an Associate Degree in Science from Midlands Technical College.
SCVCS provides pathways for students who plan to attend college and for those planning to enter the workforce after high school. We are an ideal choice for any student.
The learning management platform is very user friendly, and students will pick up on it quickly. We will devote time at the start of each school year to give students instruction on how to navigate the platform.